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Basic course in chromotherapy and chakra alignment


Chromotherapy is a method of harmonization and assistance.
Which of the color diseases the basic principle for chromotherapy to commit is simple:

each color corresponds to a vibration, frequency and rhythm.
Colors give rhythm to our lives and being omnipresent, chromotherapy adepts assume that color can also have a significant property over our physical and mental health.

We believe that colors have different healing properties depending on the heat they symbolize.

We also believe that color can activate the production of enough hormones for the harmony of the Human Body.
Contrary to light therapy that acts like the sun, chromotherapy will influence our body and our well-being in a complementary way, bringing benefits that only natural light can bring us.

Chromotherapists have come to this conclusion after several centuries of practical studies, that colors can heal!
It doesn't matter what kind of problem, whether physical, mental, spiritual or moral.

Chromotherapy is used for:
• At the level of the visual sphere,
• All over the body,
• Locally in the affected organs or structures,
• By reflex pathways located in the ears, feet and/or hands,
• Bringing light to meridians and acupuncture points.

Some effects of Chromotherapy associated with colors:
• To stimulate neurons,
• Appease over-excitement,
• Make the person loving,
• To combat stress,
• Against depression,
• Improved digestion.
• Peace and serenity,
• Improves insomnia.

Minister: Prof. Kamal Nahas, Ms.

Master Coach, Psychoanalyst and Hypnologist

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Clinical Hypnosis Course. Theory and practice  




This course is classified as FREE, that is, without any connection to MEC or its representatives.

The ultimate in hypnology

Single level course - from basic to advanced - intensive - face-to-face.

(1st module)

date not confirmed

SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (1 weekend/month).


Professionals from all areas of health, educators, human resources, criminalists and sports technicians, have more than 21 years of age, have attended or are currently attending a university level


To confirm


96 hours (monthly weekends, face-to-face, in the classroom, 50% theory and 50% practice) + home study +2 hours/course for each service performed and monographed during the post-course period, added in the certification.

Minister: Prof. Kamal Nahas, Ms. Coach, Psychoanalyst and Hypnologist


Radiesthesia and Radionics course




Radiesthesia and Radionics are holistic techniques that use instruments such as the pendulum and graphics in the diagnosis and treatment of energetic blocks in people, places and situations.

Dowsing is a science that aims to measure and detect energy fields through some instruments. 

This ability to measure energy occurs in a suprasensory way. 

Dowsing is sensitivity, it is perception. 

Its term comes from the Latin, radius = radiation, and from the Greek aeshtesis = sensitivity.

Radiesthesia and Radionics confirms that there is always an energy around us and many of the events that happen around us are a result of these energies.

Both Radiesthesia and Radionics are techniques that use instruments in diagnosis and treatment by unlocking and redirecting energies. 

The instruments (pendulum, aurameter, dual road, among others) are the facilitators of capturing the energies of people or environments evaluated, whether in person or at a distance.

Pendulums found in Egypt and dating back over 4,000 years prove the antiquity of this procedure.

Radionics is the science that studies the fields of interaction between people and their environments and the energetic processes involved, recognizing that matter, energy and mind are perfectly interconnected.

The main benefits of Radiesthesia are:

  • cleansing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit;

  • adjustment of environments (such as home and work);

  • location of energetic diseases;

  • assistance in locating missing people, objects and animals;

  • identification of compatibility or incompatibility of services, projects, people and locations;

  • self-knowledge and personal development.

When an imbalance is identified in the chakras, the therapist works to align the energies by performing movements with the pendulum.


Theoretical and practical course that allows you to investigate the energies of people, plants, animals, food, terrain, environments and objects. 

Through dowsing instruments you will be able to diagnose energy imbalances and treat them. 

The practice of proper dowsing provides directing your questions especially when combined with meditation. 

Main items covered:

Where to Apply Radiesthesia

The Pendulum and the Chakras

Dowsing instruments and their use

Practice of Radiesthesia













START: not defined







For the current moment in which our humanity lives, it is essential that people can illuminate their evolutionary path and that they remain in Harmony, Serenity, Peace and Love. 

Therefore, it is necessary to walk the middle path, as advocated by Gurdjief. 

And for that, self-knowledge is essential, knowing your energies, your gifts, your vocation, your talents, your limits, your challenges, your life mission, the origin of your conflicts and much more.


Destined to

Entrepreneurs, Microentrepreneurs, Executives, Administrators, Managers, Liberal Professionals, Therapists, Psychologists, Psychoanalysts and other people who want to start in the world of the unconscious and transcend themselves, thus managing to have a domain in their life and reach higher levels of Success and happiness.

Program to be developed

Notions of energy, Notions of dimensions, what is unconscious, conscious, Ego, mental, emotional and physical realities, the Mechanism of Life Processes, the System, Creativity, the triangle of existence, the energies of the personality, the Temperaments, the Character, the Manifestation of everything, the 22 laws of the universe, the 12 laws of processes, the 7 laws of systems and the 3 laws of creation, the Synchronicity of life, Subjectivity and emotions, the Somatization of diseases.

Support material

Apostille, certificate, initiation

Investment: not defined







Major Arcana and Minor Arcana

“The wisdom of the initiates of Ancient Egypt was poured into the major and minor arcana of this mysterious set of blades. 

Egyptian hermeticism reveals the successes and obstacles of a path of spiritual progress, 

in addition to being a unique tool for knowing the past, present and future.”


Who it is for: 

To those who seek self-knowledge, therapists, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychoanalysts,

interested in new opportunities, teachers, consultants, coaches, pedagogues, fathers, mothers, etc...



None. Only willingness to learn.


Program content:



A Brief History of the Egyptian Tarot

How and why Tarot works.

Basic concepts of Psychism, triangle of existence, personality;

Basic concepts of dimensions, life processes, manifestations, cycles, systems, creation, motivation and fulfillment;

Basic Principles of Metaphysics, Mythology, Philosophy, and Jungian Psychology;

Important concepts of Consciousness; Unconscious; Collective unconscious;

Archetypes and Synchronicity;

22 universal laws; life situations; self knowledge.

Astrological and Numerological Connections

Numbered Arcana and Court Arcana

Meanings and Symbolism,


Modules I to IV- Major Arcana.


Therapeutic Tarot (Counseling) and Divinatory (Answering Questions)


Structure of the Majors and their rules:

The 22 Major Arcana and the world of ideas (archetypal).

Main meanings for the Therapeutic focus.

Understand the structure of the Major Arcana within the psychic development of the being.

What each Major Arcana card means for excellent guidance and Therapeutic Advice.

Main Meanings and Key Words for Divinatory Focus,

know the manifestation of each major arcana for each of the planes: Material; Mental; Emotional, Spiritual.

. Understand the structure of the Major Arcana within the psychic development of the being.

The 22 Major Arcana and the world of objective reality (manifest).



In these 4 modules, we will learn the “Advice” Method,

through the Major Arcana for Therapeutic Guidance.


Collective practice (Game)

At the end of the Major Arcana, to learn how to handle the cards and as a form of practical exercise,

each student will draw three arcana!

Opening of 4 games, among the students, as a practical exercise of this stage of the course.

A type of test of the Egyptian tarot and what was assimilated in this stage of the course.


Modules V to X - Minor Arcana

Therapeutic Tarot (Counseling) and Divinatory (Answering Questions)


Structure of Minors and its rules.

The 56 Minor Arcana and their main meanings:

4 suits and their plans, Diamonds the material, Swords the mental, Hearts the sentimental and Clubs the spiritual.

16 Court Arcana, the world of action.

40 Arcana Numbered from Ace to 10, the world of formation.

The objective reality part of the Tarot, life as it is, everyday life!

Opening and association between Major and Minor Arcana.



What are methods of reading or consulting the Tarot and their fundamental importance, the instruments of the tarot reader.

In Modules V to X, the techniques of association between the Minor and Major Arcana will be taught,

using the “ADVICE” method, to further specify a Therapeutic Guidance.


Collective practice (Games)

At the end of the Major Arcana, to learn how to handle the cards and as a form of practical exercise,

each student will learn the reading techniques using the fundamental printing methods, such as:

. Astrological Mandala

. daily energy

. celtic cross

. Pyramid

. Past present Future

Some types of tests from the Egyptian Tarot above will be applied,

thus proving what was assimilated in this stage of the course.


Information, tips, recommendations and advice.

The.     Necessities for an accurate tarot reading;

B.     Important tips for those who want to become a professional.

If the student wants to go deeper or be a professional, 

will have to complete all the training to be able to carry out extensive and complete Tarot consultations, 

using the 78 arcana and its main Methods, 

indicated for each situation with Property and Knowledge of the structure and rules of this language 

which is the Egyptian Tarot.


Facilitator: Prof. Kamal Nahas

Workload: 16 hours/module

Modules: Total of 10 (1 module per month)

Major Arcana: 4 modules

Minor Arcana: 6 modules



BRL consult!/module

(amount per month, paid by credit card)



Apostille, Data show, Certificate.

(Egyptian Tarot sheets can be purchased separately from the facilitators.)


Location: São Paulo – PRESENTIAL,  and Via Web to other Cities, States and Countries!



Class days:



It will be held at events open to the public to complement the professional training of students, after the end of the course. 

The internship must obey a workload of at least eight hours.



A certificate of completion will be provided at the end of the internship,




with Master Kamal



DATE: not defined 

From the spheres of suffering, the joy of living, balancing itself with the great geometry of the Universe.

KARUNA REIKI® is intended, as an improvement, for everyone who has already been initiated into REIKI, level II onwards,

no matter the lineage or system.

KARUNA is a Sanskrit word used in Hinduism and Buddhism,

which means “any action taken to lessen the suffering of others” or even “Compassionate Action”.

KARUNA REIKI® is a path of personal growth and development,

through emotional and spiritual enlightenment.

It is the REIKI of the third millennium.

KARUNA REIKI® takes REIKI energy to deeper levels, releasing our traumatic memories,

illuminating and treating in the deep registers where fears, bonds and sufferings are.

In the KARUNA REIKI® course you will learn to develop compassionate action – KARUNA – which emphasizes forgiveness and forgiveness

with an attitude of mind, so you can develop your self-esteem and find universal love.

KARUNA REIKI® was developed in Michigan - USA, by a group of REIKI Masters, directed by William Lee Rand,

president of “The International Center for Reiki Training”, where the Registration that will be provided is mandatory.



Light Healing®


Light Healing®, third phase of Magnified Healing, is brought by Lord Melchizedek, High Priest of the Most High God, who takes care of the reprogramming and re-education of all beings on Earth. It also has an initiation, preceded with many activations and adjustments throughout the first day.

These activations are very strong and potentiate all the healing practices learned in the first phase. Therefore, prior contact with the person who will teach the course and constant practice is necessary, especially in the eleven days prior to the course.

You will learn to work with the broad and laser beams of Light to heal physical body systems, extract tumors and work with the outer bodies.

The course lasts two full days and we already have many professors in Brazil, spread across several states, among them Professor Kamal Nahas.

At this stage you become a practitioner of the third stage.

  You can only teach Light Healing by participating in a Stage Three 'Light Healing' Teacher Training course.

This course was offered only by Gisèle King herself.  On her last visit to Brazil, she trained three teachers who can now also teach this course in three different states: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília.





Free course



Theory, technique and practice.




In this  course you learn Regression Therapy, Projection and Hypnosis without mystery,

without magic, without prejudice, with great seriousness and efficiency.


“You learn hypnosis by doing hypnosis!”

We also offer the advantage of


Consult the conditions!



In addition, it enables the professional to use regressive and projective techniques, hypnosis, visualization, mentalization, imagination, as well as to discuss the possibilities of action, the limits and the care of the use of these techniques, in psychotherapies (individual and group) as well as, in workshops.



So this format  is suitable for the success and applicability of what we propose, as we have seen happen with students who have already completed  and were willing to put these incredible tools into practice.



Professionals from all areas, especially therapists. professionals from  health in general. educators. criminal police. sports technicians and human resources, who intend to include new concepts in their field of action; academic and non-academic. People who intend to enter or perform improvement in the Hypnotherapy area.



The human being,

history of hypnosis,

Therapeutic indications,


clinical procedures,

Ethics in the use of hypnosis,

Preparing the hypnotist for the session,


Practices, monitoring, case studies and internship,

Simplified monograph.



Classes with a minimum of 09 students and a maximum of 20 students.




Clinical Psychoanalyst and Hypnotherapist
Master's degree in Quality of Life/Regressive Hypnosis

by FCU-Florida Christian University

Member of the Union of Psychoanalysts of the State of São Paulo


INVESTMENT  undefined


Credit card amount



Classes, web handout, internship. Certificate, Supervision.



One weekend per month

(Saturday and Sunday – full time)

16 h/month

10 month period

Course workload: 160 hours

Internship workload: 32 hours

Monograph workload: 160 hours

Total workload  352 hours





Magnified Healing®




Ascended Master KWAN YIN


“Magnified Healing® 1st Phase” Workshop

  First introduced on Earth in 1983, Magnified Healing® is a tool of Love for personal and planetary healing, liberation and ascension... Previously, this healing was only practiced in the highest dimensions of the universe by the Ascended Masters. . In 1992, however, at the direct encouragement and inspiration of Mistress Mistress Kwan Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Compassion and Love, Magnified Healing® was brought in expanded form through Gisèle King and Kathryn Anderson to the United States.

Magnified Healing® is the only spiritual practice, as a healing modality, that cancels all karma, activates and expands the Threefold Flame of the Christ in the heart - Love, Wisdom and Divine Will - and prepares us for Spiritual Ascension. It works using sacred geometry, breathing and affirmations. This personal and planetary healing practice allows you to utilize 5th energies. Dimension, according to the Law of Mercy.

In daily practice, we clear our Channel of Light by establishing a continuous flow between the Most High God of the Universe and the Crystal at the center of the Earth. This happens because we are purified, energized and expanded and we begin to radiate good energies centered on the heart chakra.

In Magnified Healing® - unlike most forms of healing - the practitioner creates the healing energy directly from the ALMIGHTY GOD and becomes that Energy, accelerating their process of personal development and ascension on all levels, consequently reinforcing our feelings of faith. , freedom, creativity and balance. This happens by the dissolution of old energetic blocks that disturb us imperceptibly.

the 1st. Phase is a two-day course with many activations, explanations and initiation. The student receives an Initiation into the energy of Lady Mother Kuan Yin.


. Meditation to Acquire Power

. Activation of the Threefold Flame in the heart

. Alignment of the Chakras

, Light Channel Cleaning

. Increased hand energy



. Sensitizes, activates and connects the Nervous System

. Stimulates calcium in the spine

. Examines and heals the body and balances the chakras

. Recognize the Body of Light. Activates DNA and Higher Bodies

. Connection with the Most High God of the Universe

. Earth Healing and Distance Healing

The student receives a Master-Teacher Certificate, Teaching Manual, practice CD and MAGNIFIED HEALING® Floral.


“Magnified Healing® Celebration of Healing” Workshop, Phase 2

The second phase of MAGNIFIED HEALING® is made up of a five-hour course, and a Ceremony open to the public, the Celebration of Healing, which normally take place on the same day. You can participate in both, or just the Ceremony. However, if you participate in the course, you become a Celebrant and can teach the course and lead the celebration.

In this phase you will feel the great intensity of the “Magnified Healing® energy because of the union, requalification and focus of the energies emanating from the hearts of all those present and the subtle presence of Mother Kuan Yin and many other Masters and Angels. It is a beautiful celebration that enchants, excites and promotes healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and is open to all ages.

In the course there are several activations, review of the entire process and opening of the Portal for Ascension. This phase is not a prerequisite for the third phase.

The student receives a Master-Director Certificate and Teaching Manual.


“Magnified Healing® Light Healing” Workshop  3rd phase

Light Healing® – Healing with Light – brought to Earth by Lord Melchisedeck, High Priest of the Most High God, who takes care of the reprogramming and re-education of all beings on Earth.

You will learn to heal with the Laser Ray of Light - wide ray and fine tip ray - to heal physical body systems, genetic diseases, contagious, tumors. Healing past lives and programming the future, healing with electrons, etc. You will get in touch with your Merkabah vehicle, the Holographic Flower of Life and Electromagnetic Christ Consciousness Grid and the world of 9th healers. DIMENSION, Archangels and Elohim.

This technique is an advanced tool to be used by MAGNIFIED® practitioners, and the basic prerequisite is to be practicing and dedicating themselves to Magnified Healing® for at least four months, and the preparation consists of the mandatory practice in the 11 days preceding the course. .

the 3rd. phase is a two-day course with lots of activations, explanations and initiation. Activations leverage all healing practices learned in 1st. Phase. The student receives an Initiation into the energy of Lord Melchizedek and Master Jesus Christ.


. Melchizedek, Metatron, Michael

. The new Violet Fire of Light
. The Elemental of the Body
. The Flower of Life

. Activation of the Sevenfold Flame of the Elohim
. Light Energy Meditation

. Meditation to Acquire Power
. Broad Beam and Fine Point Laser Beam
. DNA/RNA Restructuring

The student receives a Practitioner's Certificate and Learning Manual.

The Practitioner will only be able to teach the 3rd Light Healing phase, participating in the Teacher Training, specific to the 3rd Light Healing phase, with qualified teachers.

Bergamot Street, nº470 

São Paulo, SP - 05468-000

Tel: (11) 999-754-024

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Appointment by appointment Monday  The  Friday between  9:00 - 22:00


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