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Who am I

Brazilian, Married, 3 children

Consultant, Mentor, Master Coach, Psychoanalyst, Civil Engineer, postgraduate from POLI/USP, with specialization from FEI/SP and Bird/World Bank, Master in Administration from FCU Florida Christian University, Business Consultant, University Professor, Quantum Activist , Businessman, Writer, Speaker, Lecturer, Communicator.

Master and Holistic Therapist, Bioenergy Researcher, Clinical Hypnologist, with Specialization in Quality of Life and Well-Being, Master in Hermetic Sciences, Quantum Activist, working with various techniques such as Psychoanalysis, Coaching, Hypnosis, Systemic Enneagram of Personality, Kabalah, TLA- Soul Liberation Therapy, Apometry, Quantum Physics, Mind Power, Past Life and Memory Regression, Flower Therapy, Psychoembryology, Reiki, Chromotherapy, NLP Programming-Neurolinguistics, Projectiology, Dowsing, Radionics, Psychotrance, Synchronicity, Karuna Reiki, Tera Mai Reiki, Seichim-Sekhem, Magnified Healing, Light Healing.

Professor Kamal has been working in the field for over 20 years, helping people to create a new life by increasing consciousness, each one doing their middle way, in balance.

He works in his office and at a distance online, with individual psychotherapeutic techniques, for adults, adolescents, children and couples.


CRT: 32,766   SINPESP: 099  


Bergamot Street, nº470 

São Paulo, SP - 05468-000

Tel: (11) 999-754-024

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Appointment by appointment Monday  The  Friday between  9:00 - 22:00


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