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Psychoembryology – Fetal Therapy




The mother's emotions mark deeply 

the baby's psyche.

  This is very important!

  The baby already communicates with the mother before birth.

Recent research reveals that communication between mother and baby in the womb can be established and directed from the beginning of pregnancy.


This confirms what Russian researchers had already found.

through the reflex-conditioned response in babies in the mother's womb.


French researcher Marie Claire Busnel, from the Department of Neurogenetics and Behavior at the University of Paris, after 15 years of research, came to the conclusion that babies can already identify their mother's voice from the fifth month of pregnancy.

She further found that:
“Talking with the baby during pregnancy produces a state of calm and security.”

Recent research has shown that newborn babies respond to music “heard” during pregnancy.

All violence committed against the baby in the womb is recorded in his subconscious, and has serious later consequences, as we often find in the "past stories" of some adults treated with regressive hypnosis.

Every pregnant woman should avoid negative emotions during pregnancy.

Every pregnant woman should avoid negative thoughts, words and conversations during pregnancy.

From conception, the baby already has a soul, mind and body in the mother's egg, and registering and absorbing everything, whether situations, family gatherings, eventual rejections, fights and arguments, and much more.

Remember that the coming of this being of light is taking place from a combination with the parents, for love and rescues of previous existences. 

The mother's emotions deeply mark the baby's psyche.

The child loved during pregnancy will always be a loving person.

Love begins before fertilization!


Bergamot Street, nº470 

São Paulo, SP - 05468-000

Tel: (11) 999-754-024

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Appointment by appointment Monday  The  Friday between  9:00 - 22:00


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