To know is to know everything; not knowing everything is not knowing.
To know everything it is necessary to know very little, but to
To know this little one must first know a lot.
The Enneagram is a sacred symbol, brought by Gurdjieff from an occult Central Asian brotherhood (Sarmoung), which contains the fundamental cosmic laws of Three, Seven and Twenty-Two, that is, the laws of Creation and Maintenance of the World. .
By studying the dynamics of the enneagram, we come to understand how everything in the universe and in our lives is processed, and even how we behave with our personality on three planes of this existence.
We've come to predict the various types of stages through which everything flows, and we've learned to predict the intervals where processes run out of steam and where we must apply appropriate shocks in order for the process to proceed.
Ignorance of natural intervals and their nature leads most of us to prematurely give up on our goals, or to face the natural challenges that these laws present us with as adversity.
The enneagram is an excellent tool for self-knowledge as it makes it possible to increase self-awareness, through our “energetic photography”, which is passed on to us and informed by our unconscious.
It also allows us to understand everything we attract, people and situations, and shows us the middle path, the path of the seeker, the 4th path. With that, we can go the middle way and gain the freedom, via conscience, to have a much better quality of life.
The Enneagram is an experience of this “little” mentioned, but to understand it we need a lot of experience.
Because it is a symbol, it cannot and should not be approached through our linear rational mind. We can only reach him through feeling and it is perfectly natural that this is not achieved at first contact. Furthermore, the Enneagram is a Universal Symbol, that is, it is so fundamental that it can be applied in any field. All science or knowledge has its place on the Enneagram and can be interpreted through it.
The Enneagram that we propose to work on is not about personality types. He is an individual Enneagram that seeks to translate the personality of each one without framing them in a generic group.
To be understood, the Enneagram needs to be imagined always in motion. The fixed Enneagram is a dead symbol. A living symbol is in permanent motion.
Albert Einstein once said that “Life is like riding a bicycle.
To balance, you have to be in motion.”
Balanced people certainly never stop moving. Even if they appear calm and serene, they are constantly moving ideas and testing most of them. They are people who are not afraid of making mistakes and risk falling and balancing themselves over life's difficulties, always finding the best way.
Based on this knowledge, with proper guidance and follow-up, you will experience all the information in your daily life. and you will gain the insights needed to collapse the creator wave into the 5th dimension.