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Difficulties in Achievements

In today's world we have been living super busy, full of commitments, dreams and apparently less time to achieve them.


There are those who say that the days have shortened and that they cannot do all the tasks of the day or that they do not achieve better results due to lack of time.

But then, why do many people remain frustrated and think that nothing produces and does not succeed in life?


This is the unknown that we are going to unravel.



Dream > 3 Goals > 3 Attitudes > Focus > Persistence > Results



Step 1: Dream


A life without dreams is not worth living. Dreaming big is necessary, but you also need to formulate a strategy to get there.


Imagine yourself in the entrance hall of a 20-story commercial building. You have to get to the 20th floor. The elevator, which is the easiest and least secure way, is broken. The stairs are free, however, it takes longer, you wear out, but it is the safest way, as it is up to you.

If you think about the 20th floors you'll have to climb, you won't be too excited. But if you think about the first floor and go up, think about the second and go up, and so on, everything becomes much easier.

With dreams, it's like this, if you think about it completed, instead of thinking about the steps to be taken, keep in mind the small actions that will take you to it, everything will be more interesting. Believe it!



Let's go one step further.



2nd Step: Objectives

According to the dictionary, Objective is defined as: Purpose; what you want to achieve, accomplish or obtain.


How to use goals to achieve dreams?

When you set 3 goals, you separate your dream into stages, and from there, understanding them and fulfilling them becomes something much easier.


Ex.: You want to build a house (define how many rooms, the neighborhood, if you will have a garage, how much you will spend, etc). Everything in detail.


What does it take to build your dream home?

  • Ground;

  • Construction Materials;

  • Labor.

These three objectives are steps that make it easier to understand what it takes to achieve the final result (the house is ready).



Let's go up one more step...



Step 3: Attitudes

Attitude is something we will never stop doing. Even when we decide not to do anything, we are taking an attitude/choice.

In this context, attitude is one of the main steps. But, it will only generate good results if it is combined with all the other previous steps. After all, acting on impulse or without planning is a waste of time.


For those who don't know where to go, any path will do.


Come on.


3 Attitudes towards the first objective (Terrain):

  • Search about the location;

  • Search the payment method and amount;

  • Analyze if the area meets the need of the project.

Each of the 3 objectives will gain 3 attitudes that will form subgroups in order to take you to the final result.



Let's go to the next level...



Step 4: Focus

This is perhaps the most difficult step. But from now on it will be possible to measure it and make a simple and achievable step.

How to make this step easy?

Set a reward for every step you take. At every step you reach, give yourself something, however small. We unconsciously have a predisposition to do things that will have rewards.


Do you think I'm lying?

The teacher tells you to do an exercise and what do you ask? - Worth a point?

Stipulate small rewards to focus on what it takes, and focus on each step rather than the building. Focus is for you to see what is in front of you, closer. Don't be fooled by the visions to the side or right in front of you.

Be strategic!



Let's go to another level...



Step 5: Persistence

Napoleon Hill once said, “Wealth does not respond to desires. It responds only to definite plans, supported by definite desires, through constant persistence.”

Napoleon Hill was a persistent man. He dedicated 20 years of his life interviewing millionaires to fulfill his dream of learning what the mind was like and what could be learned from them.

To persist means to have constancy, to go ahead, to keep going no matter what happens.

Imagine how many things Hill has been through over the course of 20 years. And if he had given up, how many people around the world would have failed to influence to achieve their dreams?

We are all reference to someone. What have you been influencing people to do? Think about. It's your legacy, it's your personal brand that's at stake.

Every moment you think about giving up, remember the purpose, reinforce in your mind why you have to move on.



And now, the last stage...




This is the part where everyone arrives, whether they like it or not. The results are not always good. When any step is broken, everything is put at risk, and the entire planned project can be ruined.


What actually defines whether it will be “good” or “bad”?

Your results are just the results of your actions. Not much need to be said about this. The definition of the word is simple and clear. Sometimes cruel, sometimes it brings good joys.

The law of sowing applies to everything. And those who are not willing to pay the price for their dreams, do not deserve to fulfill them.


It's all up to you.

F. Douglas

Bergamot Street, nº470 

São Paulo, SP - 05468-000

Tel: (11) 999-754-024

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Appointment by appointment Monday  The  Friday between  9:00 - 22:00


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