blocked creativity
creative potential
It is believed that human creative potential begins in childhood. When children have their creative initiatives praised and encouraged by their parents, they tend to be bold adults, prone to act innovatively. The reverse also seems to be true.
When people know that their actions will be valued, they seem to tend to create more. The fear of the new, the attachment to paradigms are ways of consolidating the status quo. When they feel they are not under threat (of losing their job or making themselves look ridiculous, for example), people lose their fear of innovating and reveal their creative abilities.
Some people believe that seeing creativity as a developmentable skill is a big step towards human development, while others have the view that creativity is an innate skill, linked to genetic/hereditary factors and, therefore, deterministic.
Some people also admit that creativity is not necessarily linked to intelligence quotient (IQ), that it has more affinity with motivation than with intelligence. Other people, on the other hand, confirm a strong correlation between IQ and creative potential, especially for IQs below 120 and with a slight positive correlation above IQ 120.
Creative process
During the creative process, the following stages are often distinguished:
• Problem perception. It is the first step in the creative process and involves "feeling" the problem or challenge.
• Problem theorizing. After observing the problem, the next step is to convert it into a theoretical or mental model.
• Consider/see solution. This step is usually characterized by sudden insight into the solution; it's the "eureka!" type impact. Many of these moments arise after an exhaustive study of the problem.
• Produce the solution. The last phase is to convert the mental idea into a practical idea. It's considered the hardest part, in the "1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" style.
• Produce the solution as a team. A common phase that occurs in companies and organizations when they need to both diagnose or overcome a problem and optimize or innovate products, services and processes. For such dynamics, they are anchored in the well-known system of brainstorming.
Form of expression
• Art and culture. The world of art and culture is preeminently a world of creativity, because the artist is not directly tied to the conventions, dogmas and institutions of society. The artist has a creative expression that is a direct result of his freedom.
• Research and Development. For products resulting from research and technological development activities, the creative criterion is the patent of this product. There are generally three prerequisites for a patent: a) novelty; b) inventiveness and c) practical application.
• Humor (comedy)
Several attempts have been proposed to develop a creativity quotient in a manner analogous to the intelligence quotient. However, most criteria for measuring creativity depend on the personal judgment of the examiner and therefore it is difficult to establish a measurement standard.
Team creativity: a product
Creativity is a combat weapon in the conquest of the survival of living beings.
On the animal scale of nature, achievements occur through adjustments and improvements to each living species, according to the principles of natural selection discovered by Darwin.
On the human scale, achievements take place within History, not only socioeconomic, but, above all, industrial and technological with its fanciful and delusional process of advancement.
Man, through his creativity, perfects, improves and innovates the foundations of his survival: from natural food to transgenic products, from the loincloth to clothing fashion, from shamanic infusions to modern medicine, from the hollow to the decorated and electronic house. In leisure, transport or education, human life is a continuous exercise of creativity, a living pulse in its History.
The exercise of creativity within History impels everyone, through competitiveness, to increase their creative potential, acquiring awareness of this phenomenon and acquiring new creativity tools that drive it, discussed in the work "Creativity in Team".
Chapters theorize about this tool, - carpentry of "team creativity" - in line with brainstorming -, from environments where such exercise is essential: from the company with its power struggles and search for growth, to samba schools, whose fun and games release the creative impulse to build a unique and unparalleled show, a one-day opera.
By identifying creativity itself as a product in itself, an innovative proposal, it adds market laws that, as they govern production relations, facilitate the understanding of “team creativity” and the management of its techniques.
Anchoring it in market laws, a dialectic of production, it demystifies its aura of genius or difficult access to common people, installing it in the day-to-day of the company, school, or any entrepreneurial environment, integrated by people aimed at optimizing products, services and processes, in a management model driven by “team creativity”, its cornerstone.
Managing and participating in the process of "team creativity" is the Author's proposal*, with ample and fruitful experience in the day-to-day business, - where he works - in the search for the optimization of products, services and processes, as well as in the humanization of work, although subject to the natural competitiveness of the human species, which thus improves and continually recreates itself in its History, its own space-time in continuous expansion, expansion precisely of this creativity, a human project par excellence to improve the world in which we live.
(*Extracted from the Preface to
"Team Creativity and its Marketing Laws" –
Video-text by Paulo Guilherme Hostin Sämy)
How to expand your creative potential
It is entirely possible to make a person become more creative. The main creative results do not come from mental exercises that promise to increase individuals' creative potential in isolation, such as mental exercises with CDs or fancy formulas that preach seven or eight lessons to improve creativity.
Human creativity is revealed through innovative associations and combinations of plans, models, feelings, experiences and facts. What really works is to provide opportunities and encourage individuals to seek new experiences, test hypotheses and, above all, to establish new forms of dialogue, especially with people from other backgrounds, types of experiences and culture. Some highly creative individuals already naturally present this pattern of curious, investigative behavior, aimed at experimentation, innovation and the persistent search for small and large nuances, whether in their areas of interest or in not so familiar terrains, involving other cultures, technologies, languages, etc. These are people who intuitively do the best possible exercise for the brain by consistently investing in learning and stimulating different cognitive and sensory capacities.
In short, although it is impossible to change some essential characteristics of people, we can encourage behaviors, lifestyles and ways of interacting with the world that allow the development of new cognitive patterns and provide individuals with opportunities to generate creative insights. The most important, however, is the fact that, in the organizational context, what really counts is the collective creative capacity.
The Soul, the Creative Mind and Creativity
Creativity is produced by the creative mind. It produces creativity according to what it receives from the soul of the individual, to produce good things and not so good things.
It depends on the motivation that the soul produces. This soul energy is what determines how happy this person will be, if he will succeed in life, if he will carry out events that bring him the survival of this existence, if he will have creative energy for the impulse of life or death, if he will to create diseases for your body, that is, to somatize the ill-qualified energies that the soul sends to the creative mind.
That's why the soul always needs to be motivated to do the best things in the life of the being. And what to do if there is no adequate motivation?
Motivation as a stimulator of creativity
It is an inner force that changes moment by moment throughout life, where it directs and intensifies an individual's goals. Thus, when we say that motivation is something internal, that is, that it is within each individual, we are wrong to say that someone motivates or demotivates us, because no one is capable of doing it.
Motivation is an energy generated by our soul. She is what makes us have the energy to use our mind to create thoughts, ideas, dreams, words (verb), actions, attitudes, behaviors, do something, accomplish in our life.
All this, and especially in doing something that was motivated by our soul or desired by our soul, creates satisfaction, and feeds our soul again.
However, we can agree that the interior is daily influenced by the external environment, this includes people and things. We may feel influenced by the enthusiasm of someone who motivates us to do something. In certain situations and depending on the person's temperament, or even on their general personality, one can offer some independence to the external environment.
That is, their inner strength of motivation is high and “does not need” help or low and “needs support”.
This is what should normally happen, and if it is not happening, immediately seek therapy that can help you in your self-knowledge and go in search of your happiness, which is achieved when your soul is increasingly motivated for life. After all, this is the impulse of life, of pleasure!
The level of motivation is influenced by several factors such as personality, individual perceptions of the environment, human interactions and emotions.
Find out what your soul longs for, what your life's mission is, what you like to do, feel, accomplish. What are the designs of your soul. What was your life's schedule and what is your mission? Were you loved enough by your parents? Do you really love yourself? Are you abandoning yourself? Rejecting yourself? Rejecting the good things in your life?